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Laurence S Lowry

R. Nob

Laurence S Lowry

Artist Biography

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Laurence S Lowry

Born in Manchester, Laurence S. Lowry was rejected from art school and instead worked for an insurance company, denied the chance to cultivate his passion for creating art, prints and posters. With his mother in failing health, he spent most of his time caring for her and was very disheartened by her death in 1939.

Although Laurence S. Lowry's work has naïve qualities, he was taught by several teachers, including Adolphe Valette. Lowry focused on similar subject matter, mostly urban landscapes and industrial scenes, in his art, prints and posters.

Although overlooked in the Royal Academy's survey of 20th century British Art, Laurence S. Lowry's art, prints, posters and paintings were popular and sold easily.

Laurence S Lowry Art, Prints and Posters Collection